Sunday, October 28, 2007
studying at my computer on a sunday night...

while wearing gloves...


still styling though cuz the gloves match my track

posted by Rachel at 11:46:00 PM -
Sunday, October 14, 2007

posted by Rachel at 7:51:00 PM -
k so my blog has been up and running for over 4 years now...more like up and not running. I know i've been a real bitch about not posting. sorry. but hey its my blog. i'm not obligated.

so lets see...what's been happening in the world of rachel:

well...ive been super sick all weekend. what a waste. high fever for the past 2 days but it finally broke late this morning. soaked the sheets with sweat...but woke up at 12:30pm feeling like a million bucks.

had a hot toddy before bed last nearly put me over the edge as it induce major sweats but that was the point. sweat the infection out of my body. i was so hot i thought blood was going to start seeping out of my pores on my face...explosion!

i need an external hard drive. i'm down to less than a gig of space on my computer as my quest for music is taking over! was going to buy one at futureshop but opted to consult my pops who says he has an extra one for me...sweet! don't know what size or brand it is...but he always gets the good stuff.

like the new look of my blog? the template for the last one magically disappeared and i was left with an ugly here is the new one! i hope to soon be so creative and completely design and code own site at some point. be completely original. have my own url that means importing all my blogger posts...big endeavor...not going to happen soon...just thinking ahead...aspirations...goals.

thankful: for consistent work. haven't had any downtime like i did last year where i wasn't working 4 months out of the year. hate to have to be on EI. working for 3 companies...juggling them was a bit difficult for a while but all is good now. one of my contracts is a guaranteed 24 hours a week...even more hours for christmas...and then i fill in the rest of the time with my other 2 jobs to equal full time hours. cha ching!

facebook. what!?! nice way to keep up-to-date with everyone...i see some of you are getting married...having babies...going off to different countries...crazy times. i wonder if i could live without my

goal: eat healthier...and miss skinny over here! so goal is to try and incorporate a fruit or vegetable with every meal or snack...and the daily struggle...drink more water.

so there was some ramble ramble for ya! i will try to keep up to date...but not promising anything.

posted by Rachel at 6:55:00 PM -

About Me
Name: Rachel
See my profile...
