It's been a while...
Hmmm...lets see...
The other day I was wearing flip flops...now it is snowing again.
I cleaned my house today.
I worked from 6:30am till 8:15pm today.
I get to keep my apartment because the Rental Management did a no show at court so my case was dismissed.
I am seeing a new guy...Nick.
MCHAMMER has his own web journal...lol.
My sister Caitlin turned 17 this past Sunday. Happy Birthday Sis...cant wait to see you this weekend.
I thought my wallet got stolen today and then I remembered later that I put it in a weird spot so it wouldnt get stolen.
I let my dishes sit for almost a month...lol...good thing I pre-rinse everything.
That guy from my last post...Im not angry with him anymore...I just feel sorry for him...what's worse than that?
I miss my pals Kristen and Kim:(
I finally got new tires for my car. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I still get hives.
The pleurisy and pnemonia are finally clearin up...uhg...what a rough month...this would be why my dishes sat for over a month...cuz i was just tooo sick to do anything...*sigh*.
The guy I am seeing is taking me to Red Lobster for dinner tommorrow nite...Im so excited.
I am in the process of planning out my patio container garden for this year...all vegetables baby. YOU GROW GIRL! YOU GROW GIRL-THE BOOK Yeah for Canadian authors...she is from Toronto! Woot!
I played in my first real poker tournament last week...I did better than I had hoped.
I just ate a whole container of cottage cheese...mmmmmmmmmm.
I am addicted to Wendy's. I think they put crack in their food. Today is the first day in 2 weeks that I have not eaten there...but I dont even feel guilty for eating there everyday because I have finally gained some weight...only 2 pounds mind you...but it's a start.
I drink my water out of a martini glass...cuz whats the use of not using your good glassware...Life Is Too Short.
Good Nite...Im off to bed. |