Saturday, February 18, 2006
Feeling like Death.

I feel like shit...and it really sucks!

I went to emerg Tues. nite...nice Valentine's Date eh...? With a DOC. I was having chest pains and trouble breathing...and feeling faint. After a 2.5 hour wait which is apparently not bad I got to see the doc.

And the verdict is: I have Pneumonia and Pleurisy. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! So I am on drugs now...but woot woot for me...I had a violent reaction to one of them this morning at 6am. Yeah for vomit and diarreha. I was so sick that I unlocked my doors and had my phone with me cuz I thought I was going to have to call 911 because I was having trouble staying concious. But then I vomited and was fine. LOL

Isnt that exciting news boys and girls. Well I hope I feel better by Monday because I have another big contract starting. Sigh.

Pray for me.
posted by Rachel at 4:36:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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