Tuesday, August 09, 2005
So I have been working in Electronics this week and to say the least it has been interesting.

Things I have experienced or learned while working in Electronics so far:

1. If you are a teen-age boy with a slightly dumb glazed over expression on your face: it is pretty much a given that you are heading over to the Video Game section.

2. The Black-Eyed Peas T.V. edit "Let's Get It started song was playing on the satellite today. One of the fellow associates asked if it use to have different lyrics to which I replied: "Yes, it use to be Let's Get Retarded but they had to change it to be politically correct." To which I then noticed that there was a "retard" girl standing but 3 feet from me. She was bopping her head and smiling at me and I asked her if she liked the song and she said she loved it and she said she has the C.D. at home. (The C.D. has the unedited version of "Let's Get Retarded.") Do we see the humour in this? I do. And I have nothing against Handicapped or Delayed people. I love them.

3. You can have an endless discussion about teeth and wisdom tooth extraction stories with fellow co-workers. And it is actually meaningfull, engaging conversation. And these conversations make you feel slightly closer to one another and brings a smile to your minds eye when you think about said conversation.

On a different plain...I have started having panic attacks about my move and how money is going to suck and I dont know if I can swing having my car for the first few months. Ey-Yi-Yi. It gets to the point where I can't breathe and I feel all dizzy and such.

On a positive note: I am completely infatuated with Tim Horton's Iced Capacino's. I have been drinking Tim Horton's Ice Cappicino's for over a year so I guess it is more of a love affair than an infatuation...or should I say addiction. This love affair...er addiction has led me to compose a Haiku in honour of the beloved Iced Cappacino. (AND YES, I purposely mis-spelled Iced Cappuccino 3 times)...so here goes:

tim horton's iced cap
frothy, caffinated joy
nectar of the gods

what is that you say?
a dollar ninety two please.
i have exact change.

wow that sure was fast.
only twenty three seconds.
i am awake now.

chest is constricting.
i am dizzy. i might faint.
what panic attack?

see you tomorrow.
maybe i will have a large.
caffeine addiction?
posted by Rachel at 11:29:00 PM -

About Me
Name: Rachel
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