I figured it out and now I have a groovy icon to go with my URL in the address bar. I am so stoked.
They are called Favicons and here is how to add one to your site...
First off...create you image by using a graphic program...ei: AdobePhotoshop or Corel. I just saved my image as a .jpg You dont need to resize it to a specific size...just save it as is. Or you can use one of your own pictures instead.
Then go to Favicon from Pics and browse for your image in the Source Image Field and when you have it hit the Generate Favicon.ico. Give it a few seconds...and then it will show you an example of what your favicon will look like. If it didnt work it will tell you to download another one instead.
If you like the one you selected and the preview then click on the Download Favicon button and then select the folder you want to save it to. It will save the favicon as a zip file. When done saving, unzip the file and it will save it as an icon and you will get to see what it looks like. I unzipped mine to my desktop for easy retrieval.
The next step is to upload you icon on your site and remember the location where you are hosting it. Blogger doesnt have this feature so I just signed up for a free account with Angelfire and uploaded my favicon there under the build section.
Now all you need to do is insert the following code somewhere after your Header in your template for Blogger or HTML for your is what I entered for mine:
But instead of you would put your site where you favicon is being hosted instead...but still use the /favicon.ico extention at the end of it.