Tuesday, April 05, 2005
You asked: What has happened to make you so bitter: I am bitter with myself! Bitter at how I painted the pretty picture of the perfect girl who had it all together so I would look good to others...Bitter at letting my insecurities mode me into what other people would like.

And now I am on a journey of self-discovery...finding out who I really am and who I am in Christ. Not who I am in some fantasy picture of what someone else might want as a wife. I am out to please God now...and not anybody else.

And you know what...I am gong to screw up along the way...use some bad language at times, say the wrong thing...but I am being honest about what is going on in my head and my thoughts. How many people out there are truly honest with each other.

Oh and realize this...the only one that can conform my mind and heart is Christ...and as he does this...you might be in for a pleasant surprise...watch the negative thoughts fade away and the abusive language dissappear. Watch as he makes me whole.
posted by Rachel at 11:10:00 PM -

About Me
Name: Rachel
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