Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Isnt it funny? Isnt it funny how people sick back watching you flounder from afar, but the moment you get specific they put up their defenses.

Where were you a week ago...a month ago...a year ago?

Dad: You say you can always tell when I am having a rough time. How is it then that you are so content to just sit back and watch the madness unfold and not do anything? You want caring: Pick up the phone...drop me an email...let me know that you actually exist. Just show up unexpectantly and put your arms around me and give me a hug. I'm so sick of getting through life with only hearing or seeing of you 2-3 times a year. You're like those people who only go to church on special occasions and holidays.

Perhaps I am just pushing everyone away now, because I am so sick of this feeling empty and alone. Maybe my plans will actually come to fruition and I will leave and start off again never to be heard or seen of again by all of you. It sure is appealling. And dont say I am running away. I just need a fresh start to figure out who I really am.
posted by Rachel at 11:43:00 AM -

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Name: Rachel
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