Sunday, March 13, 2005
So I woke up today feeling insanely creative! I do not know where this came from really...well it is good and all good things come from God sooooo...there is my answer.

It started off with me wanting to make Banana Muffins, Apple Crisp, and Pound Cake. So that was enough motivation to get me out of bed and I headed off to the grocery store for supplies...ei: paper baking cups, some ingredients...

I decided to stop at Dollarama to see if I could get any of the stuff cheap and while wandering through the craft aisle I got inspired to make a piece for my friend Jon. I have no idea why this inspiration came upon me but I got excited about the potential art project and had the vision flashing before my mind of what it would look like so I went with it and bought the art supplies to get the task done.

So it has been an awesome day! I joyfully baked all afternoon and made dinner tonight for the family. Painted all evening. My cold is still lingering but who cares! I can still function.

The fruits of my labour are below. I hope you enjoy. There is an interpretation to the artwork but I will save the explanation for the person it is intended for.
posted by Rachel at 10:52:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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