Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well I officially got to do some moderating today with the Grey/Bruce Area Freecycle Group.

So there was this huge mix up with a posting because 2 people with the same name replied to a posting and the person who posted didnt realize that she was talking to 2 different people. Needless to say they both showed up at her house to pick up their free monitor and one of them was sorely dissappointed that it was gone and the poster was extremely confused.

Anyways, after about 12 hours and a million posts because someone accidentally addressed the whole group about the problem it is finally fixed. It was interesting to see how snotty some people can get tho. I got some pretty nasty comments in my mailbox and it wasnt even my fault. It spurred me on to address the entire group with the following message:

"From: "Rachel" <
Date: Wed Mar 2, 2005 3:28 am
Subject: To All Grey-Bruce Area Freecyclers!

Hi Everyone!

Hope this message finds everyone doing well.

I just wanted to bring up a few things and some new/old ideas that should help things run smoothly.

First: If you are experiencing any difficulties or have a question please ask the moderator. You can email me PERSONALLY with your comments and concerns at --------.
Second: When you use the Post section it will address the entire group.

Third: If anyone has a beef with anyone else in the group please email me....in a clean and understandable email. I will try to deal with the situation as best as possible.

Fourth: If anyone has a snide comment to make, DONT! Dont address them to the group or to me. I don't want any sarcasm and I dont think anyone else appreciates it either. I am a human being and want to be treated with respect too. Snide and rude comments may only lend up fueling a situation if addressed to the wrong person. Have faith that the matter is being taken care of.

I am writing this email in regards to the Dell Monitor posting...some of the remark I got from other members were unacceptable, but I also appreciate some of the advice I recieved too. This has been a learning experience.

Fifth: Please try to be gracious to other users who are unfamiliar with the user interface of being in a group. Messages are going to accidently be address to the group by accident on occassion. If it doesnt concern you, then just delete it and carry on or email me with your concerns. I can deal with it from then on.

I want to give as much ownership to the group as possible, so I am trusting that everyone will use their common sense when posting their items for freecycle or any other news tidbits that are related to freecycle. I do not want to have to resort t moderating every single post for FREE STUFF.

Hope this helps. Any comments and concerns please email me at --------.

Your Moderator."

So yeah, that was interesting. I should also have posted that when picking up freecycle stuff that people should meet in public places. I got a comment from one user that they were quite creeped out by one of the users who was picking up an item. LOL. They actually gave someone their personal address...YIKES.
posted by Rachel at 11:09:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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