Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I got my car today and am driving it already. It passed the safety with flying colours. We had it safetied at the Chrysler dealership and they were really impressed with the condition of the car and they couldnt believe we only paid $1400 for it. God has really blessed me with this car. All praise to Him!

So with the safety, licensing, taxes and new car battery I only paid $1775.00 for my new baby. Wow! And she has a full tank of gas when we bought her so that was a mini bonus.

We received $3300 for my last car so that leaves $1525.00 leftover. I already invested $1000.00 into RRSP's. So I am laughing. With the left over money I am getting my female cat spayed...the male is already neutered, and I am getting the male cat his shots...the female already has her shots.

So here is the deal with my cats. I have to get rid of them by March 20th or I have to move out.

So as for my cats, they are going to Mark and Kristen's farm...*SOB*...I am going to miss them but I can go over there whenever I want to see I think they will be in kitty heaven because they will get to be outdoors and they LOVE the outdoors...I just hope that when I get a new place again they will not freak out about being indoor cats again...They are my babies...or worse I hope they dont suffer a freak farm accident in the meantime and die a horrible grusome kitty death.

I am on the look-out for a mini-van for my friend who is now looking for a vehicle. She has her heart set on either a Dodge Caravan or Plymoth Voyager in the range of $2000-$3500.00. She also would like it to have sliding doors on both sides and preferrable in white or red. IF any ones hears or sees of one, drop me an email at
posted by Rachel at 11:11:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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