Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I am enjoying my time off from work...although today I woke up with a really bad cold. I am congested in my nose and chest and am hacking. I have slept most of the day...although I was up at 8:30am to take my kitty to the vet. She got her vaccinations today and is going to spayed in the next couple of months. She also has a bad tooth and the vet took her tempature (poor kitty...right up the butt) and she was on the high end of normal. So she is also on antibiotics to clear up the infection. There is a possibility that she will have to have the tooth removed. Poor kitty. So kitty and I have been loving on eachother in our sickly states.

Today is my friend Luke's birthday. He is a cool guy always willing to help and serve friend's with his talents. He is very good with computer's and just a nice guy. Happy Birthday Luke...if you are reading this. Hope you had a fantastic day!
posted by Rachel at 7:48:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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