Saturday, September 04, 2004
at the youth center again. it is saturday nite and i am pooped. this is the first time at the youth center that i have been watching the clock. it has been such a long day. i worked at wally world from 8-4pm...but i am not on my two days off...labour day...yeah...with pay. then work four days, and off for two weeks for holidays.

so back to the youth center. i am on my old computer...i donated it...sorry to kim who is with out...there is a live band playing tonite. they are very enjoyable. asking me the name and i couldnt tell you. oh, i think they just wrapped up. the hockey game is playing in the background too...Canada vs. Russia. Last time I checked it was 3-1 for Canada.

I already have a member who signed up for my freecycle group. Some one I do not even know. I hope you all do the same and start posting your junk

Well, still no luck on a car either. If at all possible, I plan on going to Hamilton on my holidays to visit my pops and hopefully have his assistance in selecting a decent vehicle.

Lastly, I have a big gap in the front of my teeth right now. It's really bugging me...but it is the course of treatment as they are shifting all my teeth back.

posted by Rachel at 9:52:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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