Tuesday, August 03, 2004
...the beauty of wisdom...

James 3:17 - But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere.

(My friend Kristen has the gift of wisdom. I spoke with her tonight and here is what she has shared with me tonight and what God has conficted me of throught her.)

Sometimes the obvious stares us straight in the face. I sinned. I didnt look to God for the pain I was feeling the other nite. I posted with the hope of someone listening...but never even went to God first. I could have saved a lot of grief...but this is how we learn...doing things the wrong way. So this is what I learned from my friend Kristen...(aka: my accountability partner, mentor, role-model, best-friend.)

Instead of venting my feelings out to the world, I should have looked to God. There was no reason why I couldnt have wrote that "post" as a journal entry/prayer to God and ask him to listen and help me through it. After all, the journal is private, and God knows what's in my heart.

And then I should have PRAYED...LISTENED...WAITED...to what God had to say...and the next day I could have approached the people I felt rejected by and got to the bottom of the situation and communicated how I felt or went to someone I trusted to get insight.

But, sometimes we need to learn the hard way for us to learn. The good thing ofcourse is that God can and will bring GOOD out of all the bad. My prayer is that this will make our relationships stronger. That we can communicate, so as not to hurt one other by not revealing things that need to be said.

I also ask for forgiveness of anyone I may have hurt in regards to my post.. I am sorry.
posted by Rachel at 10:05:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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