thanks to all the people who helped me move: Mark-for his muscles and trailer, Opa-for helping carry stuff, Caitlin-for helping carry and pack and for supplying some hunky strong eye-candy...that would be Jordon-guy you are so strong, Luke-for moving da big stuff with Mark and for your vehicle, Anne-for keeping me sane as i was about to go over the edge with packing up the kitchen...thanks girlfriend for taking over, im sure i would have broken something, Kim-for watching Maya so Luke and Anne could come over and help, Tracey (the neighbour)- for helping out and supplying newspaper and boxes...
You guys I totally appreciate your help and am grateful...thanks God for using these great friends to answer my prayers. I love you! ok enough of the grammy acceptance speech...
For an update, the living room is set up and complete and my bedroom is done too except for the bedding that i have in the dryer. i moved the rest of the stuff to the computer room so i can start sorting it all tomorrow. and the kitchen is not nearly done. i dont know where i am going to put all the stuff. i see a yard sale in my future...hey! i have a yard...tee hee hee.
as for now, i am going to chill out for the rest of the evening. my back is killing me. im sure i over did it. so i am looking forward to hanging out on the couch and watching a movie or tv....or not as i just looked at the clock and it is 9pm...yikes...i should go to bed soon but i am not even tired. |