Sunday, April 25, 2004
sorry about not posting. i suppose it was because i was sic for so long that i had no ambition to do anything but sleep. but i am feeling like my self again. had a round of antibiotics about two weeks ago and that seemed to fix things. i went deaf in one ear and thought to myself that that was enough and scooted over to the e.r. just as i was starting to loose the hearing in my other ear.

i got my braces early. i got them this past tuesday. i think they are pretty cool although they do hurt a bit.

i encourage you all to visit and fire off an email to our Senators, MP and Prime Minister Paul Martin. The site makes it very quick and easy for those of you who are not good with words.

I still want a jetta but have decided to take my father's advice and get a car that will cost less for maintenance. So far I have been checking out some Toyota's and I am drawn to some nice Mazda's. They also are not as expensive as the Volkswagon Jetta. I have been visiting the almost on a daily basis. I like this one and I really like this one. I am open to any suggestions or advice anyone has to offer. My price range is in the $1500 to $2500 range. To add, I go for my driver's test Monday July 12,04. Guess I should learn how to parrellel park eh?

Three weeks left till my roomie gets married. I am pretty pysched. I also have a date...I think its a date with my friend Paul. I am really excited to have him as my guest. We seem to hit it off really well. So I will keep you posted on things go with that.

My brother has just returned from BC. He was out there visiting his best bud Ainsley and shooting some more Snow/Skate boarding vids with the Weekend Warriors. Nice little productions I might add. Looking forward the Weekend Warriors III.

My birthday is in about 2 weeks. I will be 28!!! Kristen's mom...Mother Goose is having a birthday party for me on the 8th of May. I think it is a combined b-day party with their other friend Charlie. Good times for sure. Just like this afternoon. Kim my other best gal pal had a BBQ after church with some of the people from our old small group and we had a really nice time. The food was great too. After some of us girls had a geek hour trying on some of Kim's weird funky clothes.

Now its 4:45 and I am going to lay down for a nap. Im pooped. I went to bed to late and got up to early. Lates. I wont promise anything but I will try and post again on a regular basis.
posted by Rachel at 4:26:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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