Tuesday, December 09, 2003
The wisdom teeth pulling session was a success. I feel darn good. No pain so far although popping advil and tylenol maybe has something to do with. Im wondering if the second day is worse.

Anyways, it only took an hour and I was back at home. I was super tired so I went straight to bed. Woke up at one point to go the the bathroom and there was blood all over my face and pillow. That sucked until I realized that it was an old pillow case that I can throw out and not one of my good ones. I think I am over the bleeding stage now.

I get the other 2 pulled January 6, 2004. It will be nice to have them out, over and done with and then I can take steps into getting braces. Yes, I have this all planned out in my pretty little head. And after braces I go for the teeth whitening. I want to smile all the time and have people go wow, shes got a great smile!
posted by Rachel at 10:15:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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