Sunday, November 02, 2003
:( My cat just swallowed a sewing needle ):

I awoke at 7am to some gagging noises and opened my cat's mouth(Gunther the big guy to all who know) and saw a sewing needle wedged in the roof of his mouth. I went to the washroom to get my tweezers so I could try and get it out. He wouldnt let me. Going in again after several attempts, I noticed that Gunther had swallowed the needle.


So I just called the vet (emergency vet that is) and he said Gunther could be fine or it could go bad. If Im/hes lucky he will actually pass the needle. But then he asked me if there was any string attached to the needle and I said yes, about a foot, to which he replied that could cause problems.

So I am to discect the poop and keep him eating and drinking water in hopes that the needle and thread will just float through. If he hasnt passed it like a good kitty then I have to bring him in to the vet tomorrow and have him x-rayed. Pray it just goes through and it doesnt perferate his kitty intenstinals.
posted by Rachel at 7:31:00 AM -

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