Monday, November 03, 2003
Guess what I was doing at 5:30 in the morning??? Scooping poop! With no avail. Not even a tiny turd to be had. But I still had to go to work, so my friend Kim let me have her car so I could come home at lunch and check on poor kitty. At about 11:30am I punched out for lunch and went and bought a cat carrier. Those things arent cheap...$35.00 for a mediocre carrier. Got home and to my joy and releif Gunther had shit right in the middle of the living room floor...needle, thread and all. Ive never been so happy to have my cat shit on the floor!

Anyone interested in seeing a picture of da shit, let me know...I will seriously post it, but as long as no one is opposed. Dont want to offend anyone.

Needless to say, I am not out a whole bunch of I returned the cat carrier too. Phew!
posted by Rachel at 6:33:00 PM -

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Name: Rachel
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